BC Centre on Substance Use
Resources for families and caregivers effected by substance use https://www.bccsu.ca/families-and-caregivers/
Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre
Low-barrier wellness and legal services to Two-Sprit, transgender and gender non- conforming people in a way that is respectful and celebratory of clients’ identity and self-expression https://cwhwc.com/
Crisis Centre BC
Immediate access to barrier-free, non-judgemental, confidential support and follow-up through 24/7 phone lines and online services. https://crisiscentre.bc.ca/
Kelty’s Key
Free, online cognitive behavioral therapy for adults with mental health and behavioural health concerns such as anxiety, depression, panic, overcoming addiction, and insomnia. https://www.keltyskey.com/
Hear to Help BC
Explore strategies to help you take care of your mental health and use substances in healthier ways, find the information you need to manage mental health and substance use problems, and learn how you can support a loved one. https://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/
Healing in Colour
A directory of Bipoc therapists for bipoc folks https://www.healingincolour.com/
Mood Disorders Association of BC
A non profit organization providing support and education for people with mood disorders (depression and bipolar) and their families. Offers a community psychiatric clinic for those who need a psychiatric assessment and treatment. https://mdabc.net/
South Asiann Mental Health Alliance
A non-profit community network engaging, educating and mobilizing the BC South Asian community around issues related to mental health. http://samhaa.org/about
The New York Times
An article on my work in implementing an evidence-based psychosocial intervention in addressing substance use known as contingency management.